Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Skarlock and Asphyxious Pre-Prime

I picked up my skarlock and Asphyxious models yesterday from the FLGS and was minorly surprised to see that I was to be taking home Lich Lord Asphyxious instead of the intended Iron Lich Asphyxious .  I wasn't totally caught off guard, and the fault lies with me for not clearly specifying the PIP number, but I am happy with the model nonetheless

I have a noticeable lack of infantry in the army still (at 15 points), so eAsphyxious (I will not refer to him as "eGaspy") will get to enjoy a totally useless feat, but when I've got some Bane Knights or Bane Thralls...

Anyway, I built Asphyxious last night and that particular process served to remind me how much I hate working with multi-part metal kits.  I built the skarlock today at lunch and snapped a quick pic of him. 
Dashboard Lightbox
I'll prime both when I get home tonight, and then get cracking on making magic with these fine fellows; I've got a tentative first game tomorrow night and they'll not likely be finished, but a decent approximation of it.  I also need to spend some time making the Battlegroup Slayer look less like a black blob.  I'll be posting a follow up tonight or early tomorrow.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

First Cryx Jack

I finished the first of the bonejacks from the Cryx Battlegroup I bought a while back.  It took a long time for what the end result is, but I went through a few iterations, including an attempt at chipped paint and weathering that scrapped the whole effort once.   The other two light warjacks are done, though their bases are still not in the works.


I think I'm OK with most of what I produced on this model, but I learned some things and there are definitely areas that could do with some improvement.  The attempt to base the model wasn't as convincing as I would really have hoped, though that may ultimately end up being a forgotten experiment.  The glow from the necrotite furnace is strong, but I think I'm pretty much OK with the effect; it helps to offset the otherwise monotone generic Cryx scheme. 

I would like to acquire some pigments to use for rust effects as I just can't seem to find a way to make Vermin brown wash look dusty enough, and the bone could possibly use some more work, but I think it's a decent first (and second and third) hack at Cryx.

Anyway, I've posted two other views of the same model below.  I just now realized that I didn't put the static grass on the base, so that may help the land part look more organic, so when I post a picture of the whole battlegroup, I'll make sure I've got the grass in place.  At any rate, feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.  I should be receiving my Asphyxious and Skarlock from my FLGS this week, so the 15 point battles will commence shortly!

Repeat of above
Some "reeds"
My typical view

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Prelude to November 2012: Cryx Warcaster Poll Showdown

So of course the title is absurd; I wouldn't share my politics here (in person though...).  Take a gander at the fine fellows below and weigh in on the poll.  Something to keep in mind is that I refuse to fully embrace a female Warcaster (sorry ladies) and I'm interested to hear why you will have picked who you support in the comments.  I'm new to this game system and relatively incapable of making a sound choice based on the game mechanics.

The poll widget looks terrible and I can't figure out how to add it directly to the post right now.  Comments will count as votes! 





Friday, July 13, 2012

Warmachine Surprise!

So I surprised everyone, including myself, by making a faction choice for Warmachine not even alluded to in my previous list. 

Chicken 'Jack

I'd been looking around at the various faction models, and almost equally importantly, how they played on the table top, and I was impressed by the description of Cryx as having "all of the tools to beat the enemy assuming you're not trying to beat them at their own game". This description captured my imagination, and the previous front-runner, Protectorate of Menoth, being described as "synergy based, so tending toward blocking up" made me envision a big white blob of models on the table - very exciting stuff...

I've got my work cut out for me as I figure out the game system and then how to win at it: My brother-in-law, and primary wargaming opponent received a gift in a shiny red package:

Shiny (mostly?) Red Package...
I'm pretty excited about the new game system, and while still a GW model devotee, spent some serious time poring over my other purchases:

I love buying "stuff"!
I'm pretty excited to start into modeling the other 2 'jacks from the Cryx battlegroup; I built the war-witch late last night, but never took a picture for the blog (shame!).  I'll be updating as I proceed through the painting process.  Very exciting stuff!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Finished Warlock

I went back and revisited some issues that I had noticed on the warlock I used as my OSL testbed.  Those two problem locations were fixed last night, and the other details on the model were finalized.  I'm not sure it will come out in the images, but the metal is subtly "highlighted" so as not to be overbearing, like many of the metals in my projects.  I'll include the new images below.

I've also returned to the Doomwheel based on the feedback I received to my posting asking for input.  I am not quite 100% based yet, but the woodwork on the model is totally complete.  I will post a WIP pic tonight before quitting time (assuming my professional quitting time is reasonable).

I've also come to something of a conclusion on the Warmachine v. Hordes faction issue that I posted about.  I've decided that I like Circle stuff, but until the Hordes 2 Player Starter releases, I will begin with Warmachine.  I have read plenty of interesting stuff about the play-styles of the factions and believe that, while I have a deep love of Russian history (despite my German heritage), I can't abide an army who's play-style is described as "walk straight at the enemy and punch them in the face"; it sounds flat and uninspiring to me.  I've read plenty that I like about Menoth building synergy and denying enemy abilities, as well as Cryx having a wide array of ways to "peel the onion".  This is coming down to a knock-down, drag-out thing here, but I'm close.  I just need a nudge in the right direction...

Anyway, skaven pics:

The blue is less pronounced in person...

This shows the sleeve I fixed last night...

...and the other sleeve.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Warmachine! Hordes!

I've been musing over what has been described to me as "the better game system with the worse models" when compared to GW's Warhammer lines and believe I am going to start delving into these options as a fun alternative gaming option.

Does anyone have any recommendations they'd like to share for someone new to the Privateer Press  stuff?  I lean Hordes simply because Warmachine screams "Dreadnought fight!" to me, but I'm open to anything.

I'm inclined to like, in this order:

Something to take note of there is that, while I call out a preference for Hordes, I include two Warmachine armies in my top three preferences.  With regard to Protectorate stuff, I feel like their models are top notch and exude that gothic religious aura.  Khador appeals to a part of me that has always been fascinated by the indomitable will of the Russian people.  Whatever the case, high-quality, dynamic models are essential to me and while the casters seem very nice, Khador jacks are somewhat lackluster.

Whatever the case, let me know what you guys are thinking.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Where next?!

So I'm in need of some inspiration on where to go next.  My problem, possibly familiar to other painters of skaven, is that the sheer number of models needed, and the profusion of awesomely sculpted minis in the army make choosing a direction for the next painting iteration difficult.

What I already have fully painted is something like this:

Plague Monk,
25 clanrats with spears,
20 slaves,
15 giants rats,
10 plague monks,
1 beastmaster (or whatever the skaven one is called).

What I've got partly painted looks like this:

1 Poisoned wind mortar,
1 doomwheel,
3 rat ogres.

What I've got in need of building or still in the grey:

1 Hell Pit abomination
1 Warp fire thrower
1 War lightning cannon
A bunch of Isle of Blood rats,
A bunch of mod'ed skavenslaves (courtesy of Turiya64)

I always like to build/paint toward playing, and that argues for the rat ogres and mortar being finished.  In addition, the doomwheel could be finished, but I think I need to disassemble that a bit in order to hit the painting standard that I like to use for my models, and it's kinda broken in the points level of the game that I can enter right now, so that's possibly getting a lower priority.  The cannon looks appealing, but that's the single least built model in my collection (NIB currently).  Thoughts?!


I've gone and started the process of breaking down the Doomwheel into more readily paint-able parts.   I had fully assembled the model back in the day, to get it playable, and it has been primed and based, but painting the driver and the rats inside the rims of the wheel would have been impossible with the side-mounted warpstone "arms".  I'll be making good progress on the model this evening, and the whole thing will be posted up in the next few days.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

OSL Adventure

So I piddled around on Battlefield 3 tonight (PC gaming is my single greatest vice) and wasted precious time I could've spent on my warlock.  Knowing this made me guilty, so I set to work on my OSL version of the Isle of Blood skaven warlock.  I took a few pictures of the proceedings, so I'll attach them for your perusal and judgment.

The end result is somewhere between satisfactory and pleasing for me.  I could possibly have spent more time blending, but a more important observation was that, as the time drew on, I paid less attention to moving the highlights back toward the light.  I think it's pretty telling in the final product, but for future efforts with OSL, which I believe there will be many of, I will have noted this point.  At any rate, here are the painting sequence pics:

And here are the pics with OSL "done".  Feel free to let me know what weaknesses and places for improvement you see.


Friday, July 6, 2012

OSL mockup

I wanted to start doing something just a little more unique with my skaven characters to help them stand out and since there's such a profusion of warpstone on their models, I think it only stands to reason that I should try my hand at OSL.

I'm no professional-level painter (neither are most who claim to be, but that's a whole different matter), but I think I'm at the stage where I can try my hand at OSL.  The engineer in me demands that I prototype things, so I've gone and mocked up what I think the warlock will look like when all painted up.  I'll use this as a guide tonight when I start getting down to business on him.

Comments or suggestions are welcome.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bouncin' Around

I'm feeling compelled to give some new models a look recently, so I've done a few things over the last day or so since the last post to justify further "investment" in the hobby.  I was recently looking at the new GW paint line and purchased a few of the paints from the "Paint Guides" page.  I gave my ogre from the last post a little further highlighting with "Eldar Flesh" which kinda helped to "pop" the musculature just a little more.  I'll have to re-post after I give him the final details I was considering.

I also did up a skaven warlock's flesh with the "Flesh" colors shown on that page.  The result is below:

He's not much to look at just yet, but soon enough...  I've got an idea to try something a little different with him, so tomorrow night I'll paint the remainder of the details, and then I'm going to venture into uncharted waters, all of which will be detailed here, for your amusement.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Ol' Bait and Switch

So I know I said I'd be bringing you some Dark Eldar in the very near future, but I decided to pull a fast one and instead I present to you an Ogre Kingdoms Ogre (Formerly Bull, which I much preferred).

I am still trying to settle on some scheme details, but I think I like the high contrast flesh scheme seeing as the models have such accentuated musculature.  I think I may yet add some tattoos of the maw, as well as the bloodied fist so commonly seen in the ogres from the rulebook, but all in all, a decent go at it.  It should be mentioned that I had just finished doing the base drybrushing and it seems a bit glossy in the pics.  Also, I am experimenting with the best way to represent snow on the bases of my models, but when I settle on a decent, well-wearing way to do snow, I'll be finishing the bases and re-posting as a unit.  I've got to model the standard bearer for the unit still, but that might be a decent little post in and of itself.

I will need to build myself a nice little light box for shooting some pics of these models in the future as I get this blog moving, but I think this will suffice.

Farewell for now!